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Bornin Porto
Lives and works in Lisbon

Portuguese artist Rui Moreira works exclusivelyon paper, his chosen medium for translating physical and mental experiences.Figurative or abstract, his drawings are presented as “inner landscapes”,evoking divinities, landscapes and geometric construction. Each piece ismeticulous in detail, drawn with the extreme patience - a mnemonic ritual whereline after line is tirelessly perfected. Free from chronological order orlinear spatiality, his drawings are inspired by his travels and a plethora ofother influences and references, from navigation tools like Google Earth to thefilms of Tarkovski, Hitchcock, Herzog or Kubrick, composers such as Bach andStockhausen, and traditional Indian, Japanese, Portuguese and Arab music. In2010, he was selected by Philippe Starck for the Prix Canson.

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The visit of the Collection is open to you! Come alone, in a group or on a school outing !

Reservation is mandatory in order to offer you a guided tour, at La Défense or by videoconference.