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Raymond Hains

1926 - 2005


French artist, born in 1926.

In 1964, at the occasion of an exhibition at Iris Clert’s, Raymond Hains presents his first matchbooks.

They are a way of cocking a snook at the conceptual art, very in vogue then. The works are presented as the creations of two fictious artists:
-Saffa, an Italian solely dedicated to reproducing at a monumental scale matchbooks from Italian tobacco company, Saffa.
-Seita, his partner, who only reproduces French matches produced by French company Seita.

These works are not signed Hains, but Saffa / Seita © Raymond Hains.

In 1971, at the occasion of a personal exhibition at the galleria dell' Elefante, Hains achieves the second series of these works, which keep a very Pop aspect, esthetically speaking (one could think of Oldenburg or Warhol).

Artwork of
Raymond Hains

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