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Omar BA



Aftergraduating from the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Dakar in 2002, hetravelled to Bonn, Germany, to participate in a symposium on colour language.After returning from Germany, he participated in several exhibitions in Senegalbefore flying to Switzerland, where he has been living since 2003. He thenstudied for a postgraduate degree at the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts inGenève. Afterwards, he attended the École Cantonale d’Art Visuel du Valais inSierre, Switzerland from 2009 to 2011. There, he caught Guy Bärtschi’sattention. In 2011, he received the Swiss Art Award.

After settling in Geneva,Omar Ba decided to give up on abstraction in order to dedicate himself tofigurative and narrative painting. Profusion is very important in the artist’swork. He uses a wide array of techniques and materials. On black paintedbackdrops, he often depicts political and social subjects open to multipleinterpretations. His main sources are to be found in African culture and inpower and authority issues.

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