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Societe Generale’s call for artists in Hong Kong

With the recent opening of the M+ museum, the context for contemporary art in Asia is particularly dynamic! After a successful call for proposals to the new graduates from the Beaux-Arts in Paris, Societe Generale launches a new call for proposals, this time for young artists in Hong Kong. 


Open until the end of 2021 and with the same theme, “The World As Home”, this call for artists is another proof of the Group’s support to emerging talents. It also shows its ambition to forge closer links between the art and business worlds.   

A panel committee composed of recognized art professional experts and Societe Generale art representatives will meet in January 2022 to prepare a pre-selection. They will reveal the final selection of three artworks in February.  
The winners will be granted HKD 50,000 per artwork. Their work will be showcased in Societe Generale’s freshly renovated reception on the 34th floor of its Three Pacific Place premises in Hong Kong.    
We are once again very proud to share our love for contemporary art with the wider public, and we are looking forward to discovering the artists’ proposals.   
The winners are :  

· Angel Hui Hoi Kiu  : Embroidery on the plastic bag 
 · Antoon Poon : Voyage  
·  Elaine Chiu : The world as home  

Their works can be seen below.