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Lamb #29




120 x 120 cm

Lamb series

Photographing heroic figures is one of the artist's favourite themes. This is why he likes to photograph anonymous individuals with ordinary lives and extraordinary destinies: rugby champions or Senegalese wrestling heroes, the Sadhus of Benares, survivors of the Japanese tsunami.
During several trips in 2009, he photographed the strong bodies, the tense, perpetually defiant faces of the wrestling apprentices of suburbs of Dakar. They belong to one of the country's 77 stables and every day they practice this unique sport, which is a subtle mix of traditional wrestling and bare-hands boxing.
Born in 1967
Since 1992 Denis Rouvre has taken portrait photographs of well-known people: cultural, political and sports celebrities. For several years his work has taken on a more personal stance looking at individual engagement and excellence, capacities of resistance, man's role in chaos, our way of dealing with adversity.
New York Times Magazine published a portfolio of his work on survivors of the tsunami that hit Japan on 11 March 2011. One of the portraits from this series won third prize in the "Singles" category of the World Press Photo 2012 awards.
His work regularly wins prestigious awards.

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