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Cédric Teisseire


111 x 245 cm

Gloss paint on oilskin

For Alias…, Cédric Teisseire used a syringe to paint on a wax canvas. Each colour ran down the length of the canvas in a straight line, with leftover paint collecting in plastic film at the bottom. After the paint had dried, the film was removed, leaving a stiff and irregular husk at the bottom of the painting. Every step of the creative process can be detected, and Cédric Teissere reveals simultaneously both how the artwork was achieved and the final result, thus proving that any painting is a material act.
Cédric Teisseire
Born in 1968
Born in Grasse, France
Lives and works in Nice

Trained at the Villa Arson Contemporary Art Centre, Nice, Cédric Teisseire has pursued his iconoclastic investigations into painting for some years now. With minimalism and Pop Art as his inevitable references and transgression as his watchword,
he boldly explores all techniques and all supports in his highly inventive play on the materiality of paint and on how it relates to picture surface, whether seen as a line, drip or skin.

Artwork of
Cédric Teisseire

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