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Terencio González lives and works in Paris.


After beginning by studying economics, he soon caughtthe painting virus and entered the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris in2013 in the Jean-Michel Alberola Workshop from which he graduated in2015. 


With “Chronique d’un été”, Terencio González plays onthe same formal and polychrome register. With even more mastery, he again usesthe poster backgrounds, whose very fine and nearly transparent paper allowsvertical combinations and superposition. He endeavours to create the idea ofmovement in his painting: every element in it is in a constant state of flux.It is never a finished structure that holds the eye and lets it rest, butrather almost a series of imbalances, ruptures that overcome our perception.All the depth is brought back to the surface, while the margins and edges givethe painting - often unstable or almost disappearing - a frame in order tobetter constrain it.


Observing the empty space around the material, unitingthe distance and the closeness in tension, Terencio González is not afraid ofreconstructing time with a hallucinatory aspect added by the work done on the material.He therefore manages to create a partition between the real and the imaginaryin an unusual odyssey of sensations. With the colour autonomously generatedforms, he offers an abstract image of a universe that is peculiar to him andthat he constructs rather than suffers.

Artwork of

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