152,5 x 152,5 cm
"I paint in oil on wood, in square formats with20 to 240 cm sides which can be hung in any one of four directions – but not asa diamond. The smaller formats can be held, the larger ones give the feeling ofbeing immersed in the colour that I experience myself when working. Since 2010,I have also been incorporating my painting into architecture, throughmonumental decors: close up (floors, doors, walls) it will be an immersion incolour. from a distance (ceilings, facades) it will be a spectacle of cosmologyopen to any projection".
Georges Meurant

He lives and works in Brussels.
While studying the classics he took classes onpainting from nature and engraving at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts inBrussels, and drawing, painting and engraving, and lithography classes at theAcadémie de Watermael-Boitsfort. He teaches engraving at the Académie Royaledes Beaux-Arts in Brussels and lithography at the École des Arts d’Ixelles
After twenty years of figurative work, Georges Meurantbroke away from representation and threw himself into colour. In 1988, GeorgesMeurant rejected dropped curves and oblique lines, and his painting became apatchwork of juxtaposed coloured rectangles that he uses to experiment withinteractions between different shades. He paints in oil on wood, usually insquare formats ranging from 15 x 15 cm to 240 x 240 cm.
This is how he describes abstract painting: "OnceI stop thinking, I lay on the bright colour. I stick to contiguous rectanglesin a regular and irregular grid. I play with contrasts and affinities that areas varied as possible in a relationship of relative order and disorder. Somethingattracts the eye; a configuration stands out for a moment. Soon othercombinations replace it, then others, indefinitely. The more quickly I act, themore apparitions and disappearances succeed one another. The expanse is a waveof sensations of disintegration and renewal. I take a step back. I correct thespaces to increase the effect that occurs, which holds for as long as theattention does.”
The dynamics operate in any light. Whoever looks at itsees life in it. He theorizes and writes extensively about his work, otherartists, and art in general.
Since 2010, Georges Meurant has produced monumentaldécors for buildings: The head office of AGC Glass Europe (Louvain-la-Neuve,2014), the decor of Europa, the new seat of the Council of the European Union(Brussels, 2016) and on an island opposite Zhoushan 400 km from Shanghai a foursided tower provides a support for his painting.
Artwork of

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