Société Générale Collection was at Meeting Art Objectif
The MAO brought together nearly 300 people, who were able to observe the performance of the artist ARDPG at the end of the event (Credits: Edouard Hannoteaux) The 1st edition of the Meeting Art Objectif, organized by Objectif Languedoc-Roussillon on September 29, highlighted the new forms of patronage spreading in the region.
The first round table, “Inventory of artistic patronage and prospects for collaboration”, presented the different methods of expression of artistic patronage, in connection with the dynamism of the contemporary art market. Tax exemption, endowment funds, corporate foundations, etc. Through concrete regional and national cases, the speakers brought their expertise:
- François Debiesse deputy president of ADMICAL
- Arnaud Dubois, associate director of IP ART, a consulting company specializing in the placement of works of art
- Christophe Bourdin, lawyer at the Montpellier Bar specializing in corporate law (MBA & Partners)
- Véronique Cottenceau, Head of Patronage at the DRAC Languedoc-Roussillon
- Nathalie Moureau, lecturer at Paul-Valéry University and co-author of a study on the profile of contemporary art collectors for the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
The second round table "Discussion on the different expressions of artistic patronage" highlighted concrete regional and national cases thanks to the participation of the speakers:
- Gilbert Ganivenq, CEO of Promeo and collector will present his point of view
- Estelle Francès, founder of the Francès corporate foundation dedicated to the promotion of contemporary art
- Christian Carassou Maillan, President of Mécènes du Sud
- Alexandra Aznar director of Egeria (subsidiary of Hélénis)
- Michel Hilaire, director of the Musée Fabre and involved in the corporate foundation of the Musée Fabre
During this second MAO round table devoted to the different expressions of artistic patronage, the testimonies demonstrated the diversity of forms that this commitment takes in favor of national or local artistic scenes. Aurélie Deplus, Head of Societe Generale Art Patronage, had the opportunity to testify to the Group's commitment to contemporary art.