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Untitled (une forme rouge)



135 x 195 cm

Using personal photographs taken on his travels,David Lefebvre paints portraits as rural and urban landscapes. His canvassesare mental images, with the realism of each scene compromised by thenon-reality of certain sections. What appears to be a loss of data oftenaffects the most figurative aspect of the initial image, opening up adissimulated gap much in the same way as camouflage. Torn away, what remains isa latticework of cells whose stained glass look slices through the realism of itssurroundings.
Born in

Born in Vernon, France
Lives in Grenoble, France

In an age of 2.0 technologies and the imagecontent they suppose, David Lefebvre first became familiar with “new technologies”and their installation and performance at the School of Fine Arts in Grenoble.However, ever loyal to drawing and painting, he went on to join the “Basse Def”(“low def”) group formed by StéphaneSauzedde, “reverting to the banal in his subjects, far from special effects of unexceptionalcontent”. From 2007 to 2012, he took part in the collective adventure of the“Oui” art centre in Grenoble. In 2007, he also took part in the off-site Pilot3 project at the Venice Biennale at the recommendation of the then curator of Grenoble’sLe Magasin art centre, Inge Lidner-Gaillard.

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