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Maquina de emaranhar paisagens VII


Works on paper

160 x 239 cm

The latest series of drawings by Rui Moreira is strongly inspired by the 1985 eponymous film by Hans-Jürger Syberberg which had a profound effect on the artist. The 6-hour monologue in a dark room is a series of emblematic texts recited by the film’s only actress, Edith Clever. One of these texts, the speech pronounced by the Grand Indian Chief Seattle when British colonials offered to buy the territories of his tribe, had a particular impact on Rui Moreira. In his speech, the Grand Indian Chief announced the dark days white men would face if they divert from Mother Earth: “It is ceasing to live and starting to survive”. These new drawings echo the multiple crises that face the world today. Far from resigning, the artist chooses to renew himself from within, a form of meditation through drawing that covers the entire sheet of paper. The product of the artist’s unequalled asceticism day and night, his drawings represent hope, like rays of dawn to illuminate our nights.
Born in 1971

Bornin Porto
Lives and works in Lisbon

Portuguese artist Rui Moreira works exclusivelyon paper, his chosen medium for translating physical and mental experiences.Figurative or abstract, his drawings are presented as “inner landscapes”,evoking divinities, landscapes and geometric construction. Each piece ismeticulous in detail, drawn with the extreme patience - a mnemonic ritual whereline after line is tirelessly perfected. Free from chronological order orlinear spatiality, his drawings are inspired by his travels and a plethora ofother influences and references, from navigation tools like Google Earth to thefilms of Tarkovski, Hitchcock, Herzog or Kubrick, composers such as Bach andStockhausen, and traditional Indian, Japanese, Portuguese and Arab music. In2010, he was selected by Philippe Starck for the Prix Canson.

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