July 20, 2006, Tibet Rikaze
Dan Luo
100 x 120 cm
"[Luo Dan]'s photographic approach is completely original, and even disturbing. It is also subtle, seductive and full of meaning. […] Luo Dan projects us into a China that is vague, suspended and uncertain and bears no relationship to the demonstrations of strength of the arrogant towers in the major cities or the Olympic Games. He invites us into an unreal country that is more resigned than sad, and perhaps reflects the state of mind of most of his peers, who have been excluded from the sudden and spectacular rise in wealth experienced by the lucky few. The most disturbing and touching aspect is that this China, although it is by no means shiny and impressive, has a charm that is as indefinable as it is profound".
Christian Caujolle
Founder and artistic director of the agency VU
Christian Caujolle
Founder and artistic director of the agency VU
Dan Luo
Born in 1968

Born in 1968 in Chongqing, China.
Lives and works in Chengdu, in Sichuan.
After graduating from the Sichuan Fine Art Institute in 1992, he has worked as a photojournalist since 1997 for Chinese newspapers and magazines (Chengdu evening paper, HuaXi city paper). Since 1998 he has won many national and regional prizes
for journalism. In 2006, he travelled his country from East to West, then from North to South. On returning from his journey, he presented the China Route 318 project, then the North South project, completed in August 2008.
Lives and works in Chengdu, in Sichuan.
After graduating from the Sichuan Fine Art Institute in 1992, he has worked as a photojournalist since 1997 for Chinese newspapers and magazines (Chengdu evening paper, HuaXi city paper). Since 1998 he has won many national and regional prizes

Artworks of
Luo Dan

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