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Intervenciones MALI


Edi Hirose


110 x 137 cm

Impresión digital con tintas K3

“Edi Hirose’s photography documents, by containing things without these appearing to be contained. Containing is stopping a flow by trying to describe the borders of a space in the process. It means channeling what’s real in a process and holding on to it, without trying to control it.” (Jorge Villacorta Chávez, june 2008).

The Artist statement about the “Intervenciones MALI” series :
« The condition of the photographic record rests on a partial position in relation to the scene, the "minimum manipulation" possible. Especially when it is a question of reproducing art works. Although this series recaptures this position - registering an exhibition space – it also makes evident its ambiguity and confusion through denial. It wants to show us something that is covered but it is not being uncovered. It is here that the act of looking stops to give way to the imagination level. »
Edi Hirose
Born in 1975
Born in 1975 in Lima, Peru,
where he continues to live and work.

Eduardo Hirose studied photography at the Antonio Gaudio Institut in Lima. Since 1996 he participates to many group exhibitions in Peru and abroad including the Museo de Arte de Lima (2007, 2006, 2005) ; the Museo de la Nación (2006), the Centro Cultural de España. He had also some solo exhibitions at the Galería Lucía de la Puente, Lima, Perú (2008) ; the Instituto Cultural Peruano Alemán, Arequipa (2006) ; the Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2005) ; the Galería Fotoforum – Austria (2004) and the Galería El Ojo Ajeno (2002).

Artwork of
Edi Hirose

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