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I. Village of Maadid


Bruno Barbey


80 x 120 cm

Inkjet printing

Quintessential figures of an old man sitting on the pavement or a silhouette draped in an immaculate haik: Barbey’s photos constantly hover between ephemeral and eternal. They bear witness to what the photographer calls “timeless Morocco”.
Bruno Barbey
Born in 1941
Bruno Barbey caught the photojournalism bug when shooting pictures of the French student protests for Magnum in 1968. As a member of this prestigious agency, he has since covered most world conflicts, from Biafra to Iraq via Vietnam, Northern Ireland and Palestine. Far from limiting himself to war photography, he enjoys nothing more than hiking alone in isolated places, especially in the country of his childhood, Morocco, which he has tirelessly photographed for the past thirty years.

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