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Andy Warhol

Works on paper

30 pieces, 90 x 90 cm

© Adagp, Paris, 1971

The gallery owner Leo Castelli used to say that without repetition, a Warhol was no longer a Warhol. In 1963, the artist adopted the technique of silk-screen printing, which became emblematic of the Pop Art movement. He used it for his celebrity portraits and other motifs such as these famous Flowers, the colourful symbols of the hippie counterculture of the 1960s-70s. Repeating and infinitely multiplying images as if to strip them of all meaning, Warhol invited spectators to question the whole concept of images, their power within the visual and performing arts society and the very notion of representation.

Andy Warhol
Born in 1928
Born  in Pittsburgh, USA

Born Andrew Warhola into a family of Slovakian immigrants living in Pennsylvania, he changed his name to Andy Warhol and became the pope of Pop Art, a cult figure of the New York underground movement in the 1960s-80s and contemporary art’s first media idol. After studying commercial art in Pittsburgh, he moved to New York and began working for Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, as well as designing window displays for department stores, record sleeves, Christmas cards and book covers.
This was the time he bought his notorious platinum blond wig, had his nose remodelled and declared, “I started as a commercial artist, and I want to finish as a business artist”.
In 1960, he produced his first pictures inspired by comic strips (Dick Tracy, Popeye, Superman) and consumer goods, the iconic Campbell’s soup cans and Coca-Cola bottles, which earned him a one-man show in 1962. Next came the silk-screen prints of American film stars, the now-legendary Factory, his ventures into record production and avant-garde films and a return to painting, when he revamped some of the great American myths. Dollar bills, consumer society’s top designer labels, portraits of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor and Jackie Kennedy, were all given the Warhol treatment.

His work is known and recognised around the world. All major Contemporary Art collections give great importance to Andy Warhol's work, which is exhibited around the world.

Artwork of
Andy Warhol

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