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Nathalie Elemento


100 x 104 x 36 cm


Nathalie Elemento qualifies her work as "not at all practical but completely practicable". Her line of thought has led her to piece together a sort of decorum in order to rethink shapes or misshapenness and define a new form of interior architecture where elements are interchangeable and repositionable: a radiator appears in the space in the form of a screen, an indoor plant – picture and table are combined and reconstructed to form a new "part".

Her work involves the volume and space where we live by devoting thought to the reconstruction and personal layouts that we create. The history of what we see becomes the history of our memory.
Nathalie Elemento
Born in 1965
Lives and works in Paris.
With her furniture-sculpture, Nathalie Elemento is not looking to furnish our interiors but, on the contrary, to confront us with objects that inhabit us, representations of mental positions that we are prepared to adopt and adapt to live in our space.

Everyone confronts the objects in common areas such as the desk, table and shelf in a very different way. Nathalie Elemento proposes a representation of all these possibilities. The accumulation and construction of these particular situations are not staged, they express repositioning. A table becomes the ideal base, a switch the central element or at least the one that is impossible to miss.

Nathalie Elemento qualifies her work as "not at all practical but completely practicable". Her line of thought has led her to piece together a sort of decorum in order to rethink shapes or misshapenness and define a new form of interior architecture where elements are interchangeable and repositionable: a radiator appears in the space in the form of a screen, an indoor plant – picture and table are combined and reconstructed to form a new "part". Her work involves the volume and space where we live by devoting thought to the reconstruction and personal layouts that we create. The history of what we see becomes the history of our memory.

Artwork of
Nathalie Elemento

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