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Born in 1979 in Gliwice. He lives and works between Poznańand Warsaw.

RadekSzlaga graduated (with honours) in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts inPoznań in 2005.

Radek Szlaga is a storyteller. From modernism to rock,structuralism to colonialism, he is captivated by everything in history thathas taken place, everything that has failed and the consequences of theseevents. Caught between the anthropological need for mythical tales and thedisturbing forces of contemporary life, Radek Szlaga has developed a hypertextlanguage that continually mystifies and questions the relationship betweentraditional means and new techniques of the digital and technological world. Onone hand, his pictorial approach corresponds with the contemporary standard ofportraying what is visible. However, the approach also questions thedistribution of wealth and the evolution of the world. 

Artwork of

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