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Ann Veronica Janssens


Great Britain

Sculptor Ann Veronica Janssens began herc areer in the early 1980s. She describes her works as “spatial extensions of existing architecture” or “super-spaces”. Inspired by cognitive sciences, movements such as kinetics, arte povera, and Light & Space, Ann Veronica Janssens sees perception as a medium in its own right.

The creations of Ann Veronica Janssens reject traditional media. They draw the eye to the full as well as the empty, often very thinly punctuating colour and space. The absence of frames or pedestals encourages the viewer to break free from passive contemplation, wander, and explore. 

Artwork of
Ann Veronica JANSSENS

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Reservation is mandatory in order to offer you a guided tour, at La Défense or by videoconference.