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L'Opéra de Paris


Arnaud Frich


Mû par l’émotion et la contemplation, Frich donne à voir des instants de Paris patiemment choisi pour sa beauté et sa lumière particulières. Il espère garder un regard neuf sur la ville de Paris et offrir des images que chacun enrichira d’histoires pour regarder autrement, en prenant le temps.
Arnaud Frich
Né en 1969
Arnaud Frich is today well-known for his panoramic views of Paris, where he was raised. He started being interested in photography at 14 and makes his first photographs with a plastic, Kodad Instamatic during a trip in Rome. He uses tape to create his own panoramic shot. After starting a career as a teacher, he becomes in 2004 a photographer-author, taught by the books of Gabriele Basilico, Sarah Moon or Anselm Adams and by a self-taught approach of the technique.

Œuvre de
Arnaud Frich

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