News from the young talents of the Collection
On 29 / 11 / 2021
This year, for its latest acquisitions, the Collection chose to focus on upcoming artists. After launching a call for projects to the new graduates from the Beaux-Arts de Paris at the end of last year, the works of fourteen of them joined the Collection right on time for the second instalment of the “Collective Transport” exhibition. But these young artists have even more to offer: full of vitality, they brim over with ideas and projects, and there are many ways to discover their work. Focus on the plentiful news of the artists that build the world of tomorrow...
Summer was a busy season for many of them: Sophia Fassi presented her work at the Francès Foundation in Senlis, Bilal Hamdad in Perpignan, and Guillaume Valenti at Parliament Gallery in Paris. But Fall brings exciting new projects too, especially for painter Ymane Chabi-Gara . The future is looking bright for the young woman, who was the laureate of the 2nd edition of the Sisley Prize in March. Her work will be shown at the Hôtel des Arts TMP in Toulon starting from the 4th of December in the “Fireplaces” exhibition, which first took place in Paris in October. This event puts twelve Revelations Emerige artists in the spotlight. And Chabi-Gara recently took part in the Phonomaton podcast, which allows us to take a deep dive into her world even from a distance...
Chelsea Mortenson is making herself heard too. On the 10th of December, she will give a speech on the way artists can tackle climatic issues during a conference organized by Columbia Global Centers | Paris. These same environmental reflections are the main topic of Nos Mondes Sauvages (Our Wild Worlds), the magazine of the association Colères du présent: a work by Mortenson is gracing its cover. In July, the duo Elsa & Johanna celebrated the launching of their own book, Beyond the shadows (H2L2 Editions), based on the eponymous series of which the Collection owns two prints.
Justin Weiler, a plastic artist, takes part in the “Dédale, un espace en perspective (Dedalus, a Space in Perspective)” exhibition at the Cellier in Reims from the end of November until February 2022. With the Tasseaux Brothers, he opens a cycle focusing on the concepts of Anthropocene and ecosystem, and questioning the notions of perception, space, and time. In Paris, Katarzyna Wiesiolek is one of the artists featured in the “Aleph-א" collective exhibition held at Eric Dupont Gallery, where her drawings can be seen until the 27th of November. In Cologne, the prolific Prosper Legault, who just released a new track with Mad Rey, “Atomic Dislexia”, has a solo show at POP;68 Gallery until January, “It’s normal that everything is strange”.
And even if they don’t have an exhibition going on at the moment, these young artists are still busy: “Tempura Cockpit”, the stage creation of Léonard Martin and Elvire Caillon set up at the Nanterre-Amandiers theatre will be presented again at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale in March 2022. Winnie Mo Rielly is in residence at the Fondation Fiminco and Bady Dalloul was at Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto at the beginning of the year. Lucas Leglise is currently working on algae, which he photographs (algae farming in Finistère) and which he uses to develop his pictures, with the support of the Mondes nouveaux [New Worlds] program of the Ministry of Culture.
Finally, some works by Laura Tolen can be bought on the website of the online gallery Millenn’Art.
These make for many ways of exploring the possibilities opened by “Collective Transport”: visitors can still explore its second instalment in the Société Générale towers...
Chelsea Mortenson is making herself heard too. On the 10th of December, she will give a speech on the way artists can tackle climatic issues during a conference organized by Columbia Global Centers | Paris. These same environmental reflections are the main topic of Nos Mondes Sauvages (Our Wild Worlds), the magazine of the association Colères du présent: a work by Mortenson is gracing its cover. In July, the duo Elsa & Johanna celebrated the launching of their own book, Beyond the shadows (H2L2 Editions), based on the eponymous series of which the Collection owns two prints.
Justin Weiler, a plastic artist, takes part in the “Dédale, un espace en perspective (Dedalus, a Space in Perspective)” exhibition at the Cellier in Reims from the end of November until February 2022. With the Tasseaux Brothers, he opens a cycle focusing on the concepts of Anthropocene and ecosystem, and questioning the notions of perception, space, and time. In Paris, Katarzyna Wiesiolek is one of the artists featured in the “Aleph-א" collective exhibition held at Eric Dupont Gallery, where her drawings can be seen until the 27th of November. In Cologne, the prolific Prosper Legault, who just released a new track with Mad Rey, “Atomic Dislexia”, has a solo show at POP;68 Gallery until January, “It’s normal that everything is strange”.
And even if they don’t have an exhibition going on at the moment, these young artists are still busy: “Tempura Cockpit”, the stage creation of Léonard Martin and Elvire Caillon set up at the Nanterre-Amandiers theatre will be presented again at the Théâtre de la Cité Internationale in March 2022. Winnie Mo Rielly is in residence at the Fondation Fiminco and Bady Dalloul was at Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto at the beginning of the year. Lucas Leglise is currently working on algae, which he photographs (algae farming in Finistère) and which he uses to develop his pictures, with the support of the Mondes nouveaux [New Worlds] program of the Ministry of Culture.
Finally, some works by Laura Tolen can be bought on the website of the online gallery Millenn’Art.
These make for many ways of exploring the possibilities opened by “Collective Transport”: visitors can still explore its second instalment in the Société Générale towers...
C. Perrin
Photo : ELSA & JOHANNA, «Breakfast in America»,
Photo : ELSA & JOHANNA, «Breakfast in America»,