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Yves Guerin



Born in Saint Privat, France

Guérintaught sculpture at the Fine Arts School in Clermont Ferrand, near his workshopand ironworks. After working with granite from 1975 to 1980, he began workingwith train-track rails. He sometimes produced gigantic works in a single piecewithout soldering.  His inspiration is a traditional professionthat has almost disappeared today, the blacksmith. The breath of air, fire, andwater as well as the physical effort required for this ancient and traditionalpractice are used to produce works of pure shapes. The roughness of the forgedmaterial is a contrast to the fineness of the work, and is a response to thequestioning of balance.

Monumental sculptures produced for the towns of Thiers, Clermont-Ferrand, Riom, and La Chaise-Dieu.

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